Combining my expertise of the written word with the knowledge gained from working in a highly luxurious landscape, I decided to create Words of Windsor . . .

Yes, my career hasn’t been a typical one, but this puts me in a unique position to best serve you. Working in a close-up environment with those who live and breathe luxury has equipped me with the knowledge to understand the minds of your target audience. I know their likes, how to engage, how to captivate, and how to converse with this type of clientele - not many writers can say that. And I use my expertise with words to bring it all to life.

from the University of Exeter with an English Literature degree in hand, this provincial Yorkshire girl made her way to the Big Smoke. That’s as far as I followed in my peers’ footsteps, choosing to embark upon an exciting career in private aviation instead of opting for the classic corporate gig. Now, I’m not suggesting that one is better than the other, I just like to squeeze as much out of life as possible . . . 

After graduating

lived in a few, conducted numerous around-the-world trips with the Four Seasons, worked directly for some of the richest and most influential people in the world, and gained a hell of a lot of life experience. It was during this time that my professional writing career took off as I spent my downtime on the feature desks of The Telegraph and Women’s Fitness magazine. It turns out that flying and writing work rather well together. From beachside cabanas I would sit and write about the world around me - it was total bliss. 

I had ticked off 74 countries (yes, properly visited, not just passed through), 

A decade later

This unique combination 

has allowed me to contribute to a variety of leading publications while also growing my career as a copywriter which now includes clients such as Etihad Airways and Plum Guide. 

Nowadays, my feet are firmly on the ground in the genteel spa town of Harrogate where I’m fully embracing country life with my cocker spaniel by my side. I still travel, but it’s on my terms, choosing instead to grow a business that allows me to combine my experiences within the luxury market, expertise with words, journalistic talents, and natural way with people to equip those with the copy they need to stand out. 

My Mission

Words are the fabric woven into life. Stories are important, they let us communicate who we are, what we do, and where we’ve come from. Let me tell yours. 

I’m passionate about two things - the written word and people. Ok, well maybe three if you include dogs. There’s a deep desire within me to help others tell their stories, whether that’s through writing compelling copy for a brand, an enticing feature for a magazine, or an insightful blog post for your business, words are what allow us to connect to one another. 

Let me utilise my unique experiences to craft compelling copy that captivates and connects. 


Content writing 



Editorial features

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